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Dublin Little League

Dublin Little League

Board Positions

Executive Board

President - Apart from all other considerations, sound leadership, couched in knowledge, experience and common sense, is the greatest requirement and most exemplary qualification of the man or woman selected as president of a Little League.

While efficient organizational and administrative abilities are desirable credentials, the search for good leadership must transcend all other attributes in the adult who gives direction to the Little League movement in the local community. Dedication to the goals and purpose of Little League is inherent in the volunteer aspect of those who serve, but not everyone who serves is gifted with the quality of leadership. Presidents must reflect these qualities if they are to be of benefit to children.

The president has many responsibilities in the administration of the league. Each President is elected by, and is accountable to, the local league board of directors. Duties of a president are described within the limits of the rules and regulations, and within the local league constitution, giving each president the ability to oversee the affairs of all elements of the league.

As the chief administrator, the president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. As such, no person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or committee member without the approval of the president. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the local league's board of directors.

Importantly, the president is the officer with whom Little League International maintains contact. The president also represents the league in the District organization.

The president should be the most informed officer of the league. Each president must know the regulations under which Little League operates and in authorizing the annual application for charter, binds all members of the league to faithfully observe the regulations.

Beyond the requirements of league administration, the president should personify the best public image in reflection to the community at large.

The president presides at league meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league.

Vice President (Baseball and Softball) - The vice president presides in the absence of the president, works with other officers and committee members, is ex-officio member of all committees, and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the president. Separate vice presidents may also be selected to oversee individual divisions within the league. If so, one vice president should be selected as the one to preside in the absence of the president. A vice president may manage, coach or umpire, provided they do not serve on the protest committee.

Secretary - The secretary maintains a register of members and directors, records the minutes of meetings, is responsible for sending out notice of meetings, issues membership cards and maintains a record of league's activities.

Treasurer - The treasurer signs checks co-signed by another officer or director (or as directed by the local league's constitution), dispenses league funds as approved by the board of directors, reports on the status of league funds, keeps local league books and financial records, prepares budgets, and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances.

Player Agent  (Baseball and Softball) - The player agent conducts annual tryouts, is in charge of player selection, assists the president in checking birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League Baseball. Separate player agents may also be selected to oversee individual divisions within the league. The player agent must not manage, coach or umpire in the division over which he/she has authority, unless the local league has received explicit written permission to allow this from Little League International.

Safety Officer - The safety officer coordinates all safety activities including supervision of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), ensures safety in player training, ensures safe playing conditions, coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries, solicits suggestions for making conditions safer, and reports suggestions to Little League International through the ASAP system.

Information Officer - The information officer manages the league's official web site, manages the online registration process and ensures that league rosters are maintained on the site, assigns administrative rights to league volunteers and teams, ensures that league news are updated on a regular basis, collects, posts and distributes important information on League activities including direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsor activities to Little League International, district, public, league members and media, and displays enthusiasm for using the Internet for league administration, for sharing information and for creating a more enjoyable and efficient Little League experience.

Board of Directors

Division Directors (Tee Ball - Juniors) - Division Directors represent Managers/Coaches to the League. Helps coordinate practice/training/game schedules. Assists with Manager/Coach issues.

Challenger Director - Is the liaison with our District Challenger Coordinator to help facilitate the use of DLL facilities for Challenger League Games. Challenger is a Division for players between the ages 5-18 who have Special needs within our District (Livermore/Pleasanton/Dublin/San Ramon/Danville/Alamo).

Training Director - Responsible for the development of Managers, Coaches and Players within the league. Presents a coach/manager training program/budget to the board; gains the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to players, coaches and managers; coordinates mini-clinics as necessary.

Fall Ball Director - Responsible for organizing Teams and Managers during our Fall Season. Is the liaison with the other leagues during this time to coordinate game schedules.

Tournament Director - The Tournament Director is the Division Director for all Post Season Play (Tournament/All Star Teams). Coordinates all paper work required for entering Tournaments, and the representative of Dublin during these events.

City Liaison - The City Liaison is responsible for maintaning a good relationship between DLL and the City of Dublin. Helps coordinate use of the fields; and represents the league in quarterly meetings with City Representatives.

Team Parent Coordinator - The Team Parent Coordinator is the liaison between the Team Parents to the League. Is responsible for providing guidance on Volunteer Opportunities with the league.

Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager - Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations. Collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities. Organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities Coordinates participation in fundraising activities Maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.

Equipment Director - The Equipment Director is responsible for all player equipment and to see that it is in good working order. Provides equipment to managers as needed.

Field Manager - The Field Manager is responsible to make sure field equipment is in good sound working order. Obtains any necessary equipment or repairs to make sure fields are maintained.

Snack Bar Coordinator - Maintains the operation of concession facilities. Organizes the purchase of concession products. Responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events. Schedules volunteers to work the concession booth during league events. Collects and reviews concession related offers including coupons, discounts and bulk-purchasing opportunities.

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